JUDICIARY Latest Features

Manuals On Gender Responsive Adjudication Adopted
Hon. Lady Justice Wolayo, President National Association of Women Judges - Uganda (NAWJU)

The National Association of Women Judges - Uganda (NAWJU) in partnership with the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) on Friday, February 12, 2022held a meeting to validate the Training and Resource manuals on gender responsive adjudication.

The meeting which was held held at the Judicial Training Institute in Nakawa, was flagged off by the President NAWJU, Hon. Lady Justice Henrietta Wolayo, who shared that the development of the manuals had taken six months. This, she attributed to the commitment of the consultant, Hon Dora Byamukama, for undertaking the process of developing both manuals in spite of the barriers posed by COVID-19.

Hon. Lady Justice Wolayo applauded IDLO for their financial and technical support and urged all the members present to participate actively during the meeting.

The IDLO Uganda Coordinator for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, Mr. Isaac Galiwango said the two manuals will help in the promotion of women and girls' rights. "When these products pass the test of quality, they will provide building blocks for the promotion of rights of women and girls in Uganda and beyond," he said.

Adding that IDLO was implementing the Community Justice Program (CJP) in Uganda with the objective of enhancing the accessibility, quality and sustainability of justice services delivered for rural, vulnerable and marginalized communities.

After presentations of both manuals by Hon Byamukama, a validation exercise was conducted where both manuals were adopted.

The Executive Director of the Judicial Training Institute, Hon. Justice Damalie N. Lwanga, thanked theparticipants for taking part in a "satisfactory and successful" validation meeting. 

Posted 14th, February 2022
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